The Cancer Biophysics Laboratory is a multi-disciplinary research environment, fully equipped to perform studies in the fields of cancer biology and patho-physiology, drug delivery, nanomedicine, soft tissue biomechanics, mathematical modelling and computational mechanics. Specifically, it is equipped with

  • STELLARIS 5 confocal microscope is the only confocal with White Light Laser, combined with Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS) and the new Power HyD S detectors empowering to obtain more accurate and reliable data;
  • BD FACSLyric™ flow cytometry. This next-generation flow cytometer enables standardization and collaboration through consistent results and unique assay portability capabilities;
  • Ami HT Optical Imaging System is capable of providing both bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging on animals and tissue specimens for preclinical research;
  • Philips EPIQ Elite ultrasound including linear transducer eL18-4 and L15-5, system optimized for detecting contrast agent and shear wave elastography imaging;
  • cell culturing facilities including CO2 incubator (Panasonic 18AC-UV), Biosafety Level II cabinet (Telstar Bio II Advance) with oil-free pump, centrifuge (Eppendorf 5804R), water bath (Stuart SWD15B), freezer 4C (Panasonic MPR-1014-PA), freezer -86C (Panasonic MDF-U56VC), and liquid nitrogen tank (mrc CRYC-47);
  • histopathology unit including a microtome (Sakura, Accu-Cut SRM200) and a cryostat (Sakura Tissue-Tek Cryo3) for tissue sectioning;
  • mechanical characterization unit: Instron 5944 mechanical testing system, Triton TTDMA system for dynamic mechanical analysis, and ADInstruments system for vascular and interstitial fluid pressure measurements;
  • fluorescence microscopes: upright Olympus BX53 and inverted Nikon TS100F; real-time PCR instrument (Bio-Rad CFX96); nanophotometer Implen P330; and microplate reader;
  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM): PicoPlus (Agilent);
  • high performance computing system composed of 10 servers, 20 AMD 16-core processors (320 cores in total) and 64 GB RAM/server. High performance HP and DELL Workstations, 16-core processors and 128 GB RAM each.



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