
University of Cyprus

Contribution to the program:
UCY is the host organisation of this project. As the biggest employer in Cyprus for young graduates and researchers, it houses much of the developing knowledge and novel solutions to social problems. UCY has considerable expertise and technical know-how in the execution of research projects, a fact which has been proven by the successful completion of previous projects. 

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Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance - Department of Labour Relations
Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance - Department of Labour Relations, is the public body that is responsible for implementing the Government’s policy in the area of industrial relations. The Department is responsible for safeguarding and maintaining healthy conditions in the area of industrial relations, with a view to achieving social cohesion, productivity in work, the establishment of democratic practices and the achievement of socio-economic progress. Amongst its responsibilities are the protection of vulnerable groups of workers, the promotion of the principle of equal treatment between employees, with special emphasis on the principle of equal pay between men and women, and the provision of advice to employers and employees on their responsibilities, and rights, respectively.

Contribution to the program:
Having undertaken studies and research on matters of terms of employment, forms of employment and social dialogue in the past, the department provides significant insights and much needed knowledge on the matters that concern this project. Considering that the department is the official body which deals with labour matters of concern in the private and public sector its contribution to this project is crucially beneficial. Further, considering the department’s concern with gender equality in the workplace and matters related to that, the department provides access to information that might be proven to be necessary for the implementation of the project. Lastly, considering the department’s status and profile, it contributes hugely to the dissemination and exploitation of the results and the implementation of action. its participation in the project as a partner generates impact on a societal, but also organisational level.

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The Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (CyHRMA)
The Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (CyHRMA) was established in 1991 and has grown over the years into a vibrant and valuable network of talent and expertise. The Association is dedicated to the advancement and successful representation of the Human Resource Management profession in Cyprus and in particular professionals specializing in the field of Human Resource Management, Learning and Development, Labour and Employee Relations, Organizational / Occupational Psychology, and other related fields. The Association is focused on actively serving the interests and needs of professionals in the field by promoting the strategic role of Human Resource Management as an essential Business and Social Partner; inspiring and modelling best practice in Human Resource Management; providing continuous learning and development opportunities, and encouraging and supporting collaboration, scientific research and networking.

Contribution to the program:
CyHRMA contributes to this project by providing the research team with access to its long membership list, contributing to the training activities and other networking events and by sharing its expertise on matters related to labour relations, organisational cultures, organisational practices and management of diverse workforces.

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ACCEPT-LGBTI+ Cyprus is a non-for-profit social action organization that was formed in 2009 and officially registered in 2011. Its overall aim is to act towards protecting, asserting and promoting the fundamental rights of LGBTI people in Cyprus. Currently, it is the only registered LGBTI organization in Cyprus and has over 800 registered members, of which 320 are active members. ACCEPT’s fields of action are divided in two main target areas: promoting and bringing awareness of the LGBTI community in the society, and advocating for changing the legislation in an LGBT-inclusive way. ACCEPT has successfully organised the first Cyprus Pride in 2014 and repeated the same success in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The events were attended by around 5000 people and they were considered to be among the most successful public events in recent history of the island dealing with a social issue. Additionally, it has been actively lobbying and managed to help pass two very important laws in 2015 (criminalisation of public homophobic hate speech and incitement to hatred or violence, and the legalisation of Civil Unions – offering same rights to same-sex partners as those offered to opposite-sex partners through marriage, excluding joint adoption). Finally, the organization holds many regular monthly events all over Cyprus that aim to support the community in the form of support groups.

Contribution to the program:
As the organisation representing LGBTI+ people in Cyprus, ACCEPT-LGBTI+ Cyprus contributes to this project with its expertise on matters affecting LGBTI+ people in Cyprus, suggestions for successful solutions and access to its members and other relevant networks.

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Cyprus Federation of Bussiness and Professional Women (BPWCyprus)
Cyprus Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPWCyprus) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit, non-partisan organization. BPWCyprus was established in 1988 and became a Federation in 1996. It comprises of local associations in all cities – Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca/Famagusta, Kyrenia, Paphos- and Young BPW for women under 35 years’ old. BPWCyprus is a full member of the International Federation, which has Consultative 1 Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ESOSOC) and participatory status with the Council of Europe and is an active member of The European Women’s Lobby (EWL). It has representation in more than 95 countries around the world. Membership in a local club provides for membership in the Provincial, National and International Federations. BPWCyprus is recognized for the many projects undertaken over the years which include, inter alia, the Women Empowerment Principles; Equal Pay Day awareness campaign; fight against violence incited upon women; creating awareness for cervical cancer; being a voice for underprivileged people and equal participation of women in decision-making positions.
BPW’s aims are to contribute to society by enabling women to empower their professional and leadership potential; protecting women’s rights; supporting them to overcome their limitations; promoting equal opportunities; enjoying life-long learning and encouraging women to further their capabilities to the fullest for others and for themselves and by promoting friendship, collaboration and understanding between professional and business women on international level.

Contribution to the program:
BPWCyprus’s access to women who are employed in leadership positions or as entrepreneurs contribute significantly to this project as it enable us to reach a social group that comprises a minority in the employment sphere. Further, their insights, as the body which represents one of the project’s target groups, are invaluable in the development of appropriate material, training resources and courses of action.