The aim of this project is to analyse various aspects of Takeovers and Mergers in European, Cypriot and Greek Company Law. The
general objective is to scrutinize this harmonized area of EU company law. More specifically, this project aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the Takeover Bids Directive and the Cross-border Mergers Directive. The goal is to critically evaluate these methods of corporate restructuring (i.e. takeovers and mergers). The analysis will take place in the context of European, comparative and national company law. Special emphasis will be given on the implications on the internal market. Furthermore, the relevant Cyprus and Greek corporate laws will be analysed. This approach will assist us in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of these regulations and in proposing possible

Our project will be developed around three pillars. First, we will review the EU Takeover Bids Directive and the EU Cross-border Mergers Directive. The advantages and the disadvantages of these two directives will be scrutinized and proposals for reform will be submitted. Secondly, we will discuss Takeovers and Mergers in Cyprus and Greek Company Law. More specifically, we will analyse the
implementation of these two directives into Cyprus and Greek law. Thirdly, we will analyse other regulatory aspects of takeovers and mergers.
We will conduct a comparative research (EU and Non-EU jurisdictions). Analysis of Case Law will assist us in drawing some useful conclusions.
Company law has been at the centre of interest in EU law since the early stages of European integration. The internal market required among other things the harmonization of the rules relating to company law, as well as to accounting, auditing and securities regulation. Apart from company law, our analysis is expanded into EU financial law and securities regulation. Company law and securities regulation are
closely connected to each other and their combined examination results in some more concrete conclusions. This is certainly a competitive advantage of this project. This approach will also assist us in understanding better the business environment of Cyprus and Greece where
companies are set up and operate.
Moreover, another goal of this project is to scrutinize the legal basis for the harmonization of company law. Freedom of establishment constitutes the legal basis for the harmonization of company law (Articles 49-54 TFEU). More specifically, Article 50 constitutes the legal basis of the Takeover Bids Directive and the Cross-border Mergers Directive. I am particularly interested in the EU fundamental freedom of establishment (Articles 49-54 TFEU). I am going to conduct research on the development of various aspects of freedom of establishment.