Maria Iacovou, ''The tumulus of Laona: an ‘un-Cypriot’ monument in the landscape of Palaepaphos'', ARU 55th Public Lecture series, Celebrating 30 years of Research at the Archaeological Research Unit, 1991-2021, University of Cyprus, 22 February 2021. 

Maria Iacovou, ''An unknown citadel and a mystery mound. Excavations by the University of Cyprus at Palaepaphos (2006-2019)'', Paphos Free University lecture series, organised by the University of Cyprus and the Municipality of Geroskipou. 2020.

Μaria Iacovou and collaborators, ''Η Συλλαβική Επιγραφή από τον Χατζηαπτουλλά Παλαιπάφου: Το επιστέγασμα μιας δεκαετίας ερευνών (2009-2019) στην ακρόπολη της Αρχαίας Πάφου'', ''Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2019'', Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 19 November 2020. 

Dimitra Mylona and Maria Iacovou, ''Purple dye production under royal management: evidence from the Cypro-Classical citadel of Ancient Paphos''. Lecture presented at "PORPHYRA: The materiality of purple dye production and use in Cyprus and the Aegean from Prehistory to the Late Roman period'', an International Workshop organized by the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) Study Center for East Crete and the Archaeological Research Unit, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2 November 2019.

Μaria Iacovou, ''Προκαταρκτικά δεδομένα για το αρχαιο-περιβάλλον και τους κτιστάδες της πολιτείας της Αρχαίας Πάφου'', ''Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2018'', Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 15 February 2019.

Μaria Iacovou and Jacopo Tabolli, ''Παλαίπαφος 2016: ανασκαφές, δειγματοληψίες και αναλύσεις στη Λαόνα και το Χατζηαπτουλά'', ''Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2016'', Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11 February 2017.

Maria Iacovou, "Digital applications in the context of the Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project (PULP 2006-2018)", Opening Lecture at the 3rd CAA-GR Conference “Spreading Excellence in Computer Applications for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Limassol, 18-20 June 2018.

Maria Iacovou, "From the Hinterland to the Coastal Landscape: the political economy of a Cypriot central place", 

Panel 8.13: Central places and un-central landscapes: political economies and natural resources in the longue durée Panel organisers: Giorgos Papantoniou (University of Bonn) - Athanasios Vionis (University of Cyprus), 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Bonn-Cologne, 22-26 May 2018.

Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos 2006-2017: From a Landscape Analysis Project to Urban Mega-Monuments", public lecture organised by the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI), Nicosia, 19 April 2018.

Maria Iacovou, “Παλαίπαφος 2017 και MEANING, Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα Α. Γ. Λεβέντη Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου", "Tο Αρχαιολογικό Έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2017", Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 10 February 2018.

Maria Iacovou, "Political economy, state formation and urbanism in the land of Ancient Paphos", Greek Archaeological Committee UK Annual Lecture (Centre for Hellenic Studies), King's College London, 14 November 2017. 
Maria Iacovou, "From the metalliferous sources to the citadel complex of the Priest Kings of Ancient Paphos", Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell'Uomo e della Formazione, University of Sassari, 10 May 2017.
Maria Iacovou,  “Becoming visible: the urban landscape of the priest-kings of Ancient Paphos. A decade of excavations by the University of Cyprus at Palaepaphos”, Trinity College Dublin, 21 March 2017.

Maria Iacovou and Jacopo Tabolli, «Παλαίπαφος 2016: ανασκαφές, δειγματοληψίες και αναλύσεις στη Λαόνα και το Χατζηαπτουλά», "Το αρχαιολογικό έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2016", Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11 February 2016.
Stella Diakou and Athos Agapiou, «Από την ανασκαφή στη ψηφιακή καταγραφή: ανάπτυξη βάσης δεδομένων και εφαρμογή Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών (GIS) για την επεξεργασία των ανασκαφικών δεδομένων από το οικονομικό σύμπλεγμα του Χατζηαμπτουλλά Παλαιπάφου», Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11 February 2016.
Artemis Georgiou, "Εξερευνώντας την αρχαία Πάφο κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού: τα πηγάδια της Ευρετής, 50 χρόνια μετά την ανασκαφή τους», Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11 February 2016.
Maria Iacovou and Athos Agapiou, «Ο τύμβος της Λαόνας στην Παλαίπαφο: από την αναγνώριση στη μέθοδο διερεύνησης ενός ιδιαίτερου μνημείου ‎(2012-2015)», "Το εργο της Ερευνητικής Μονάδας Αρχαιολογίας", Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 13 February 2016. 
Artemis Georgiou, «Αποσαφηνίζοντας την αρχαία Πάφο στην Εποχή του Χαλκού: Πορίσματα των ερευνών του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος 'ARIEL' ‎(2013-2017)», "Το εργο της Ερευνητικής Μονάδας Αρχαιολογίας", Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 13 February 2016.

Stella Diakou, "Δυο μνημειακά συμπλέγματα στο οροπέδιο Χατζηαμπτουλλάς Παλαιπάφου: νέες έρευνες του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου», "Το εργο της Ερευνητικής Μονάδας Αρχαιολογίας", Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 13 February 2016.
Maria Iacovou, "From 'the mythical age of Cypriote Archaeology' to a 21st century landscape project: The polity of Ancient Paphos in its economic context", The 28th J. L. Myres Memorial Lecture, New College, Oxford, 27 October 2015.

Artemis Georgiou, "Υστερο-κυπριακοί πίθοι με εμπίεστες σφραγιστικές παραστάσεις: αναλύοντας ιδιαίτερες αποθηκευτικές πρακτικές της Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού στην Κύπρο (Late Cypriot pithoi with impressed cylinder-seal friezes: analyzing the storage practices of Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age), 2015 Spring Semester Seminar Series, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 09 February 2015.

Maria Iacovou, "Αποτυπώματα μιας χαμένης μνήμης: νέα δεδομένα για το βασίλειο της αρχαίας Πάφου", Lecture presented at the Cyprus Seminar: Recent developments in the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean. 1 December 2014, Cycladic Museum, Athens.

Athos Agapiou, Artemis Georgiou and Maria Iacovou, "Συμβολή των Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών στην εξερεύνηση του βασιλείου της Αρχαίας Πάφου (The Contribution of Geographical Information Systems to the investigation of the kingdom of Ancient Paphos)", presented at Εφαρμογές Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών στην Κύπρο (Application of GIS in Cyprus) Διημερίδα Συνδέσμου Τοπογράφων Μηχανικών Κύπρου. Nicosia, 8-9 October 2014.

Artemis Georgiou, "Cyprus during the Crisis Years: Examining the case of the Paphos region", Lecture presented at the Sea Peoples Up to Date. New Research on the Migration of Peoples in the 12th century BCE, 3-4 November, Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Artemis Georgiou and Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos: The Late Bronze Age". Lecture presented at The 33rd Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop in Collaboration with the Department of Antiquities and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. 18th June 2014, University of Cyprus New Campus, Nicosia.

Stella Diakou and Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos-Hadjiabdoulla: the citadel wall". Lecture presented at The 33rd Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop in Collaboration with the Department of Antiquities and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. 18th June 2014, University of Cyprus New Campus, Nicosia.

Artemis Georgiou, "Tracing the Foundation horizon of Palaepaphos: New Research on the early history of the Paphos Region". Lecture presented at the New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology Conference. 10-12 April, Cornell University, USA.

Maria Iacovou, "The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project and the economic needs of island-based micro-states'. Lecture presented at the Colloquium, From Ptolis to Polis: Issues in the Transition of Political Economies. November 2013, The American School of Classical Studies, Athens. 
Maria Iacovou, ''Copper routes, ports of export and regional gateways'', New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium, Institute of Fine Arts, New York. 11 March 2011.

Maria Iacovou, "The land of Cypriot Aphrodite and the kingdom of Ancient Paphos". Lecture presented at Trinity College, San Antonio, Texas. March 2011, Texas, USA.

Maria Iacovou, "The land of Cypriot Aphrodite and the kingdom of Ancient Paphos". Lecture presented at the University of Pennsylvania. March 2011, Philadelphia, USA.

Maria Iacovou, "The kingdom of Ancient Paphos: The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project". Lecture presented at Columbia University. March 2011, New York, USA.
Maria Iacovou, ''The land of Cypriot Aphrodite and the kingdom of Ancient Paphos'', University Museum, Philadelphia. The Onassis Foundation 2011 University Seminars Program. 2011.

Maria Iacovou, "The Palaepaphos Urban landscape Project (2006-2009): protection and management of extensive archaeological sites with the use of GIS". Lecture presented at Trinity College Dublin, March 2010.

Maria Iacovou, "Αναζητώντας τη Χρυσή Τομή ανάμεσα στη σύγχρονη ανάπτυξη και τη διατήρηση των τεκμηρίων της ιστορίας. Εμπειρίες και ελπίδες από το πιλοτικό πρόγραμμα Παλαιπάφου (2007-2010)". Annual Lecture of ICOMOS - CYPRUS SECTION, February 2010, Nicosia.

Anna Satraki, "ΤΗΕ PALAEPAPHOS PILOT PROJECT (2006-2010): Protection and management of archaeological landscapes with the use of Geographical Information Systems". Lecture presented at POCA 2010: Postdoctoral Conference on Cypriot Archaeology, October 2010, Venice.

Maria Iacovou, "Έρευνες πεδίου στην Παλαίπαφο (2006-2009): Η περιπέτεια της αναζήτησης του αστικού περιβάλλοντος του βασιλείου της αρχαίας Πάφου". Lecture presented at the University of Athens, December 2009.

Maria Iacovou, "The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project. From Marchello to Hadjiabdoulla". Lecture presented at The 27th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop. 20th June 2009, Nicosia. 

Maria Iacovou, "From gateway to island polity. Palaepaphos and the urban landscape project". Lecture presented at the University of Cambridge Archaeological Seminar. March 2008, Cambrdige, UK.

Maria Iacovou, "Το Αρχαίο Βασίλειο της Πάφου". Lecture presented at the Kouklia community Cultural Centre. October 2007. Kouklia, Cyprus.

Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos: The Urban Landscape Project 2006-2008". Lecture presented at The 26th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop in Collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 21 June 2008, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia.

Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos Marcello 2007: The Urban Landscape Project". Lecture presented at The 25th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop in Collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 23 June 2007, Nicosia.

Maria Iacovou, "Palaepaphos: The Urban Landscape Project". Lecture presented at The 24th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop in Collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 24 June 2006, Nicosia.

Sarris, A., Stamatis, G., N. Papadopoulos, E. Kokkinou, S. Topouzi, E. Kokkinaki, E. Moissi, M., Iacovou, V. Kassianidou, G. Papassavas, G. Papantoniou, M. Dikomitou & St. Stylianidis, "Palaepaphos, Cyprus: The contribution of Geographical Information Systems and Geophysical Prospection in the study of the archaeological topography and settlement patterns". Presented at the International Conference Computer Applications in Archaeology "The World in your Eyes", March 21-24, 2005, Tomar, Portugal.